To place an order on FELIPE VARELA you can explore our online shop, navigating through any of our categories. In each category you will find all our wide range of products, offering a variety of style proposals.
By just clicking your desired proposal, you will find all related items included on it. After selecting any of those products you will be redirected to item’s name, reference number, image, description, available sizes and colors, composition, treatment and price.
Once you finally choose a product, select size and color. Clicking on “Add item to cart” will add your product, and related preferences, on your shopping cart.
You can also filter by any product type during your navigation. On each category and style line you will find all related products according to your filtering preference.
To finish your purchase, click on your shopping cart. A summary of all selected products and chosen options will be shown, as well as your final purchase amount, including taxes and delivery costs. Order must be confirmed by clicking on “Purchase” button, and selecting your payment method.
If you are a registered user, just introduce your user name and password, and follow instructions to conclude your order.
All contact and delivery information will be requested, as well as your billing details and payment method. Finally, you will be able to check a detailed summary of your order.
Felipe Varela ensures a safe purchase. Providing a reliable service and protecting our customers confidentiality is our main concern, implementing the most advanced security systems and measures on the entire shopping process.